How to Draw a Fursuit Handpaw Pattern in 2 Easy Steps

Fursuit hand paws are vital to furry costumes. They can greatly enhance a character's appearance and personality.

To make your own hand paws, you first need to create a good paw pattern. The method is as follows:

Step 1: Drawing the Palm

Spread your fingers as wide as possible, with your middle and ring fingers together.

Trace around the palm of your hand, using your fingers as an axis and extending at least 1.5-2 cm (0.6-0.78 inches) to either side.

During the drawing process, try to ensure that the pattern is axially symmetrical for a fuller-looking final production of the fursuit paws.

For symmetry, try the following:

Method 1:

  1. Take a photo of your hand and use drawing software.
  2. Use the symmetry tool to draw a claw slightly larger than your hand.
  3. Print it on A4 or A3 paper (height: 30-35 cm, proportional width).
draw the palm in method 1

Method 2:

If you can't use drawing software:

  1. Outline your hand on a piece of paper.
  2. Draw half of the claw in the middle, ensuring symmetry along the centerline.
  3. Fold the paper along the centerline and complete the other half.
draw the palm in method 2

Step 2: Drawing the Back of the Hand

Once you've drawn the claw, cut it out, flip it over, and trace it on another piece of paper.

Make a small incision on the back of your hand where your nails will be sewn.

This will ensure that the fingers are plumped up when you sew them on.

draw the back of the hand
Tip 1: Choice of Pattern Paper

Standard A4 paper is easy to use, but its thinness and softness can lead to mistakes when tracing fur fabrics.

We recommend laminating the paper for stability. For multiple uses, card stock or 2-3mm thick EVA board.

This is easier to trace and the pattern is more durable.

Tip 2: The Outer Edge Of The Paw

Curve the edges of your paw slightly, like a wave, for a fuller, more attractive hand.

curve the edges of the fingers slightly

By following these steps, you'll create a pattern for making fursuit paws.

Fursuit Handpaw Pattern
Download Now: Fursuit Handpaw Pattern

I'm excited to share with you a free fursuit pattern that I've created.

I've used this pattern for many of my own fursuit projects, and I'm thrilled to finally be able to share it with all of you. Whether you're making a fursuit for yourself or for someone else, I hope you find this pattern helpful and inspiring.

So go ahead, download the pattern, gather your materials, and let's get started on your next hand paws!

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